Moldovan Goods and Products Exports Decreased by 22% in Half a Year

Home / Economy / Moldovan Goods and Products Exports Decreased by 22% in Half a Year
Moldova’s economy is in recession and forecasts show it will register a modest growth of almost 2 per cent by the end of this year. The Customs Service’s data confirm the difficulties the country’s economy is facing. Exports of goods and products in the first six months of this year decreased by 22 per cent in comparison to the same period in 2022, says. The Customs Service’s data show that imports also decreased by 5.2 per cent. Only re-exports due to the war in Ukraine were positive. This indicator is by 13 billion lei or 10.4% higher in comparison to the same period of 2022. According to the IMF’s forecasts, the average annual inflation in Moldova will be 13.8 per cent in 2023 and 5 per cent in 2024.