Moldova-Leaks: Vans with Antenna Followed Top Government Officials

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High-ranking Moldovan government officials were tracked from vans with antenna. Ziarul de Gardă found this out in the course of its investigation. Vadim Pistrinciuc, director of the Institute for Strategic Initiatives, told reporters that prosecutors had informed him about this. The officers did not confirm or deny this information, referring to the investigative secrecy, but noted that the IP addresses belong to other states and wait for a response from foreign authorities. Among the victims of the leak were current Prime Minister Dorin Recean, former MP Vadim Pistrinciuc, ex-ministers Sergiu Litvinenco and Ana Revenco, current Infrastructure Minister Andrei Spinu, ex-deputy and current minister Dumitru Alaiba and others. “The prosecutor seemed to be aware of technical aspects that I did not know, such as the car with antenna. He asked me if I had seen such a car or any van nearby. I told him that I live in a regular apartment and there are always a lot of cars around. He told me how these things are arranged. I didn’t file a complaint so I wouldn’t be called to the proceedings. However, I wrote (the complaint) that I am an aggrieved party. They had tried to contact me earlier, this spring, but I had not been in the country,” Pistrinciuc told reporters. Dumitru Alaiba said that the prosecutor “wrote” to him and invited him to the proceedings. He refused then, but is going to do so. Sergiu Litvinenco claims that the investigators did not ask him about the content of the conversations that became public, Andrei Spinu told him that he only answered the prosecutors’ questions.