Ministry of Agriculture - to Farmers: The Right of Land Ownership Must Be Proved

Home / Society / Ministry of Agriculture - to Farmers: The Right of Land Ownership Must Be Proved
The Ministry of Agriculture explained why they had complicated the procedure for farmers to apply for compensation. The main condition for farmers affected by the crises in 2022 to receive assistance and to determine the amount of diesel fuel from the external humanitarian aid is the justification of the ownership right or use of agricultural land affected by natural disasters, reports “This follows from the decision of the Court of Accounts No. 64 of 12 December 2022. Submission of proof on ownership/use or possession of land with relevant and reliable documents is determined by the need to exclude the risk of damage to the state budget and repeated granting of subsidy,” the ministry said. The ministry also drew attention to the fact that they took into account the EU practice in the implementation of this obligation. “To date, AIPA have received 3264 requests for subsidies”, - the Ministry of Agriculture outlined. As previously reported, the Forța Fermierilor Association accused the Agency for Interventions and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) of abuse and illegally demanding a large number of additional documents to the application for compensation and receipt of fuel, which are not provided for by the Regulation on the provision of assistance to farmers affected by multiple crises. It would be very difficult for farmers to submit these documents, especially when agricultural activity is in full swing. In this regard, the agrarians announced that they will go on a protest on Wednesday, 30 August, at 11:00 a.m. in front of the Ministry of Agriculture and AIPA.