Șalaru: We Have to Make Tough Decisions regarding Transnistria

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“We must take our destiny in our own hands and make very tough decisions regarding Transnistria reintegration,” former Defence Minister Anatol Șalaru argues. “We should not hope for charity from the OSCE, because the OSCE will not solve anything. There are organizations that exist on donations, and these organizations need to continue their activities, even if they do not produce any results, but receive very high salaries instead. It would be good for them that the Transnistrian conflict lasts for another 300 years,” Șalaru said during the Punctul pe AZi programme. “In my opinion, Azerbaijan proved to everyone that problems can be solved not only by coffee breaks and endless conferences. Maia Sandu probably wanted to convey the message that Transnistria will not hinder us and will not be able to block our accession to the EU. Otherwise, I do not know how to interpret the statement of Nicu Popescu and Maia Sandu until there is a feedback from the EU,” Anatol Șalaru said. The former minister said that there is a Cypriot precedent and it would be very good for us if the Europeans told us: “Gentlemen, Moldova will be the second Cyprus”. Moldova can integrate without Transnistria, even if Russia makes enormous efforts to block this process. “Neither Transnistria, nor Comrat, nor Șor, nor other criminal traitors can stop us to unite with Romania or join the EU, because Moldova can no longer stay in this grey zone, and neither Transnistria will become a grey zone, because the EU, the civilized world, will no longer recognize and allow grey zones to exist. Either we will be with the EU or we will disappear,” Șalaru added