Moldova Partnership Platform Fifth Conference Kicks Off in Chisinau

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The fifth Ministerial Conference of Moldova Partnership Platform, initiated by Romania, Germany and France, started in Chisinau. More than 65 delegations, including ministers, deputy ministers, state secretaries of partner countries foreign ministries, representatives of diplomatic corps and international organizations, arrived at the Palace of the Republic, IPN reports. Prime Minister Dorin Recean said at the beginning of the event that Moldova had managed to make significant progresses that year, starting from initiating talks with the European Union and currently being in the bilateral selection process. Challenges still remained amid the war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine. In addition, the Government recently had to take emergency measures in the face of extreme weather conditions to address the resulting socio-economic consequences. The chief executive also said he would like to include a new initiative in the Platform’s discussions, a development and solidarity fund for the agricultural sector, which would provide assistance to farmers. Attending the event, President Maia Sandu said that Moldova was not alone. The support it received from friendly and partner states was significant. ‘We, in Moldova, have a proverb that we often use: ‘Where one is alone, there is no strength, where there are many, there strength grows.’ So, we are many, and next to you we become even stronger. Today Moldova is at a crossroads, but it is not a crossroads where we do not know which way to go. We know exactly the direction: forward, towards a European future, where peace and prosperity are the agenda. The future of our country is not built overnight, but every step we take together brings us closer to this stable European future, where every citizen lives in dignity and security,’ the head of state said. According to the President, her main message was that wasting time is no longer an option. ‘We must act decisively and with greater confidence. We asked that the support we receive be as direct, flexible and quick as possible. Moldova has huge potential, but with the war on the border, it is difficult for us to use it. History taught us that no country was able to achieve economic success without strong initial support and lasting partnership. This is exactly the kind of support we turned to our partners for.,’ Maia Sandu added. Throughout the day, discussions will focus on the results and needs identified under the platform’s four working groups: justice, anti-corruption and security; energy, energy efficiency and environment; sustainable economic development and strategic infrastructure; public administration reform and public financial management. Nine financial agreements will be signed with international partners, the implementation of which will accelerate the country’s modernization and adaptation to climate change.