Adrian Albu: Authorities May Remove Some Candidates from the Presidential Race

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PSRM deputy Adrian Albu says the authorities have evidence with which they could exclude some candidates from the presidential race, but they are not doing it deliberately. “There is an internal struggle in the PAS: one part says that they should be suspended from the race, another part says that they should not, as in this case the electorate of the suspended candidates will support Stoianoglo,” the Socialist deputy said in a TV programme. On the other hand, MP Radu Marian denies these accusations. “Attempts at massive vote buying have stopped, they stopped in the local elections and now we are obviously making efforts to stop them,” PAS deputy Radu Marian said. When asked whether he recognized that based on the information received from the police, the CEC could exclude one of the 11 candidates registered on the ballot papers from the race, Marian replied: “I am not the CEC, I cannot tell you now. I understand that the police sent this data and the CEC has to make a decision. Obviously, it is unacceptable for a candidate to give money for people to vote for them. This is unacceptable.” “I do know the whole situation. Mr Radu does not reveal all the cards of the party. Some candidates (who can be removed from the electoral race) are documented, there is such information, but there is an internal struggle in the PAS: one part says that they should be removed from the race, another part says that they should not, because in this case the electorate of the removed candidates will support Stoianoglo. The law is being violated, but we still turn a blind eye, theoretically it suits us, this is the true policy of the PAS supporters,” commented Socialist MP Adrian Albu. “That’s not true,” Marian objected. “If there is evidence, these candidates should be excluded, we are not exploiting the law, we say we are a democratic state that respects the law,” Albu commented.