Residents of Copanca Village Blocked Premier Energy from Installing Transmission Poles

Home / Society / Residents of Copanca Village Blocked Premier Energy from Installing Transmission Poles
People say they have no money to pay the “right bank” tariffs. This was reported by a local news portal. Citizens travelled by car to the outskirts of the village, where they stopped the teams carrying out the works. The protest action is taking place against the background of discontent with the project to connect the village to the electricity network on the right bank, reported. Police teams from Causeni are at the scene and are appealing to people to stay calm. The inhabitants of this village, which is under constitutional control of Moldova, are connected to the energy system of the left bank and pay low tariffs. Currently, the situation in the locality is similar to that in Transnistria. People have electricity cut off for 5 hours every day, and gas is available only for the cooker. But they oppose the connection to the energy networks on the right bank, hoping that the crisis in Transnistria will be resolved. In a report by Europa Libera, people said they had no money to pay the “right bank” fares. Earlier, the Moldovan authorities instructed to integrate villages in the Security Zone into the right-bank energy system.