Dodon Criticized Sandu’s Government

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The ruling coalition should continue to work on rebooting Moldova, and the primary tasks of the government are the fight against corruption and improving the lives of citizens. This will help stop the mass migration of the population, said Igor Dodon , speaking on September 16 before the MPs at the opening of the autumn-winter session of the parliament. The President also aired discontent with the work of some ministries, criticized the government for curtailing certain social programs and unconditional implementation of all IMF conditions. In his speech, the President emphasized that the ruling coalition took on a huge responsibility for saving the country and outlined the priorities of the authorities. The main points of the president’s speech: Moldova is under rebooting. From the first days [the coalition] began to exempt state institutions from different groups of influence. “I’m not happy with some ministries work; some profitable for citizens programs are being curtailed.” “No need to render obedience to the IMF.” The government should work to improve the living standards of citizens and create new jobs. People wish to see an economic development plan. The fight against corruption. “All activities should be aimed at the return of our citizens to the country.” Opposition: you may be constructive and help reboot the country. The President invited the opposition to promote the work of the authorities for the benefit of citizens. Newsmaker