“It Was Easier for Them When All Decisions Were Made by One Person”. Filip Told about the Сandu Group Withdrawal

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Six deputies from the Democratic Party (PDM) decided to leave the formation under the influence from the outside. This was stated by the Chairman of the Democratic Party Pavel Filip at a briefing on February 19, adding that the former colleagues did not like the changes in the party. “Not everyone likes the party democracy and transparency of decisions,” he said. Filip refused to say whose influence, in his opinion, made Andrian Candu, Sergiu Sîrbu, Vladimir Cebotari, Eleanora Graur, Corneliu Padnevici, and Grigore Repesciuc leave the PDM. “It was an influence from the outside, later everyone will see whose exactly; we are not dumping the dirty linen,” Filip said. The democrat also noted that the decision of the group of deputies could be predicted, and the real reasons for their withdrawal are not at all what they announced. “They talked about the upcoming coalition with the socialists, so this is not true - as I said, the PDM is not negotiating the coalition building. I repeat, if such decisions are made, they are made openly, at the party’s national council,” Filip said. According to the politician, one of the real reasons for leaving could be that they were removed from the party leadership. “Some colleagues did not find their names among the leading party positions after the National Council of the party,” Filip said and added that those who left had different views on party politics and structure, as well as on sources of funding. “It was easier for them when all decisions were made by one person,” the democrat noted and emphasized that the departure of deputies is only for the good of the Democratic Party. “Despite these changes, we are moving forward, developing and refining ourselves, and this withdrawal is the result of reforms within the formation. Not everyone likes the party democracy and transparency of decisions,” Filip concluded. Recall that today, MPs from the PDM Andrian Candu, Sergiu Sîrbu, Vladimir Cebotari, Eleanora Graur, Corneliu Padnevici, and Grigore Repesciuc announced their withdrawal from the party faction. Candu explained this decision by disagreeing with the party’s recent policies. According to him, PDM has become virtually invisible in the country’s political arena. The policy pursued by the party disappoints society and the party members themselves due to a lack of initiative and a firm stance. Candu also noted that the PDM leadership is secretly negotiating with the socialists, the prime minister and the president.