US President Donald Trump said the United States has developed weapons that even the major nuclear powers Russia and China have never heard of before. This reported
Before flying to Michigan Trump said the US possess weapons that no one knows about, and "it would be better if no one knew."
He noted that the United States is creating "excellent weapons," including nuclear ones. Over the past three and a half years, the government has spent $ 2.5 trillion on the military, he said, and the US military is now "stronger than ever."
American journalist Bob Woodward, in his new book Rage quotes Trump saying that the United States has a nuclear system that neither Russia nor China has. “We have something that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] have never heard of before,” he says.
Woodward writes that sources have confirmed that the US military does have a new secret weapon system and they were surprised that Trump revealed this information, The Washington Post informed.