Dodon on the Russian Loan: It Will Be Signed Prior to the Presidential Elections

Home / News / Dodon on the Russian Loan: It Will Be Signed Prior to the Presidential Elections
Following the videoconference between Vladimir Putin and Igor Dodon, Moldova is preparing for new negotiations on granting a Russian loan. The President of the Republic of Moldova believes that the country needs it by the end of the year. This statement was made by Igor Dodon in the Glavnyi Vopros program with Iulia Fedorova on NTV, reports. “Everyone remembers the Russian loan of 200 million euros to support our economy, which was blocked by irresponsible politicians this April. Now they already admit, either openly or on the sidelines, that it was a mistake,” the President noted. Dodon believes that the Russian side could say: we gave it to you, you didn’t accept it, and that’s all. But the Russian president noted that if they requested again, in the very near future negotiations would be held and an agreement signed.   “Further, we need to pass internal procedures. I think that the signing may take place in the next 2-3 weeks before the presidential elections. As for ratification in the parliament, I don’t know how it will convene, because 6 or 7 deputies are on medical leave being sick with COVID-19.” “We need this money, we must do our best to get them by the end of the year,” the president said.