President of Armenia Demanded Pashinyan’s Resignation

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Sarkissian considers the early parliamentary elections inevitable, and also supports the head of government’s resignation. Armenian President Armen Sarkissian called the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan inevitable. He stated this in a video message to the nation on Monday, November 16. “We lost both in the war imposed on us, on the battlefield, and on the diplomatic and international platforms. Given the current situation and public demands, it is obvious that in order to avoid internal political upheavals, early parliamentary election is inevitable,” Sarkissian said. He added that in this context the only responsible approach can be an objective assessment by the government and the ruling political force of their potential, the presentation in the shortest possible time of a roadmap on the timing of the proposed constitutional processes, as a result of which it will be possible to hold early parliamentary elections. “Until that, the country will be ruled by the highly professional government of national accord,” Sarkissian stressed. According to him, he held meetings with many representatives of various spheres of public and political life. “The absolute majority of the meeting participants agree on one issue – resignation of the prime minister in accordance with the Constitution or the termination of his powers and the holding of early parliamentary elections,” Sarkissian said. Finally, the Armenian President added that his proposals are based on national interests. “I hope that all political forces will realize the responsibility of the moment and will fulfill their part of the historic mission with dignity,” he concluded.