The PAS Vice-Chairman Mihai Popsoi said that the PSRM refused to follow the path of self-dissolution of parliament, preferring to "continue the suffering of the people."
In his social media Popsoi posted that " Igor Dodon, aggrieved at having lost the election, is now punishing people," reports.
"The socialists are going against the people. PSRM refused to follow the path of self-dissolution of parliament, preferring to continue the suffering of the people. For the sake of schemes and corruption, they are ready to remain in parliament until the end, regardless of the economic and social consequences for the country and every citizen.
It's a pity that Dodon, aggrieved at having lost the election, is now punishing people. Dodon and PSRM want to deepen the crisis."After us the deluge!", they think.
It's a pity that the socialists' decision demonstrates the lack of a nationwide political consensus regarding the urgent dissolution of parliament and organizing early elections. Socialists think only about their own pockets and are not interested in the people's fate in these difficult times.
It's a pity that PSRM's personal and party interests prevail over the interests of people who want to return to normal life.
However, early elections will take place despite the fears of the socialists! But people will not forget that Dodon decided to prolong the suffering of the people by refusing to immediately dissolve the parliament!" Popsoi wrote.