Pensions Indexed by 3.86%: the Minimum Age Is 2000 Lei

Home / Economy / Pensions Indexed by 3.86%: the Minimum Age Is 2000 Lei
On October 1, all pensions were indexed by 3.86% and the minimum old-age pension was increased up to 2000 lei (for persons with full insurance experience), the National Social Insurance House reports. The NSIH clarifies that the following were indexed: pensions for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner, for work experience, pensions of civil servants, pensions of customs officers, capitalized periodic payments, disability benefits, pensions and monthly monetary compensation established for citizens affected by the Chernobyl disasters, pensions of military personnel and officers, troops of the internal affairs bodies and the General Inspectorate of the Carabinieri, benefits for the loss of a breadwinner who died as a result of medical activities to combat COVID-19 and pensions of judges, reports. According to the Government Decree, the minimum old-age pension will be 2,000 lei from October 1, 2021. From that day on, 182 thousand pensioners with full insurance experience receiving an old-age pension of less than 2000 lei will receive a minimum pension of 2000 lei per month. And 121 thousand pensioners with incomplete insurance experience will receive an increase in the minimum old-age pension in proportion to the insurance period established at the time of the establishment of the pension. Furthermore, from October 1, 2021, the amount of the minimum disability pension is: in case of severe disability – 1500 lei, in case of acute disability - 1400 lei, in case of moderate disability - 1000 lei. Also, state social benefits for 71 thousand beneficiaries are also recalculated. From October 1, a total of 679 thousand people will receive indexed pensions. The NSIH notes that it has implemented all processes to ensure the payment of the indexed pensions and recalculated social benefits since October 1, 2021. Point