Battles near Bakhmut and Ukrainian Armed Forces Advance in All Directions

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Over the past few days Kyiv claimed to have achieved some success near Bakhmut as well as the liberation of the village of Rivnepil in Donetsk Region. The 3rd Separate Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces published a video allegedly showing its fighters leading an offensive against the 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian army. Russia does not confirm the Ukrainian army’s success near Bakhmut and claims heavy losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Russia does not officially acknowledge this and states to have inflicted heavy losses on Ukrainian troops over the past 24 hours. The day before Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the forward positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donetsk and Zaporizhzhya regions where he presented state awards to soldiers and noted the progress in all directions. The Ukrainian President also stopped at a petrol station where he had a coffee and talked to military personnel. According to the Institute for the Study of War, Ukrainian troops crossed the Dnieper River and recaptured territory on the left bank of Kherson Region. Meanwhile, Moscow claims that two of its fighter jets intercepted a British Royal Air Force reconnaissance plane and two Typhoon fighters accompanying it as they entered the Russian airspace over the Black Sea. The British Ministry of Defense denies that its aircraft violated the Russian border.