20 Chisinau Mayor Election Candidates Registered: What Do They Promise?

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In the midst of the election campaign, candidates continue to make promises. From renovating streets and yards to vouchers for heat insulation. Everyone tries to present their ideas as original as possible. As of today, it is clear that at least 20 candidates will fight for the mayor’s chair. However, the Chisinau District Electoral Council has eight more files to consider. With sickle and hammer, wearing safety helmets, the team of Diana Caraman, the Communist Party candidate, went to Industriala Street in the capital to measure potholes. “Industriala Street hosts the biggest Chisinau economic agents. There is no place for such a motorway here. We will repair it so that the road will be of high quality”. In addition, current mayor Ion Ceban organized a press conference at his party’s office. “Together with his team the National Alternative Movement party candidate listed the projects implemented so far by the mayor’s office and assured that the list would be expanded. Many people you see behind me know what they will do tomorrow, in a year, in three years or even in five years. I mean that they were the managers of the major crises and political blockades, and in such a situation they managed to develop Chisinau”. The Action and Solidarity Party candidate decided to make electoral promises from an old yard in Chisinau. In his speech, Lilian Carp spoke about the plans to renovate the city infrastructure, especially yards and residential neighborhoods. “We will create a Chisinau with safe and comfortable yards and houses where residents will no longer waste money for heating. Another good solution is the introduction of energy vouchers while switching to horizontal central heating and heat insulation of buildings”. Other candidates are not lagging behind and propose their projects for the capital development. The order in which candidates’ names will appear on the ballot paper was determined by drawing lots. Vasile Costiuc, the Democracy at Home party leader, is first, followed by Ruslan Codreanu from the Ruslan Codreanu electoral bloc and Constantin Butucel from the Building Europe at Home party. Fourth on the ballot paper will be Ion Stefanita from the Respect Moldova movement, and Diana Caraman, the Communist Party candidate, will be the fifth. The next candidate on the list is Lilian Carp from the Action and Solidarity Party, followed by Anatol Usatii from the Party of Development and Unification of Moldova. The eighth is Vadim Brinzaniuc from the European Social Democratic Party of Moldova. The next is Ion Bulgac from the Unity and Welfare coalition, and at number ten is Adrian Albu, who is supported by the Socialist Party. The ballot could be twice as long because the commission has not yet considered all the files for the run. General local elections are scheduled for 5 November. The electors will choose almost 900 mayors and more than 11 thousand local councilors.