G7 Countries Demanded the Release of Israeli Hostages

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The G7 insists on the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages by Hamas militants. The statement by the G7 foreign ministers also calls for the establishment of humanitarian pauses and corridors in the Gaza Strip. The G7 states demand the immediate release of all hostages taken by Hamas terrorists during the bloody attack on Israel on 7 October without preconditions. This is said in a statement issued on Wednesday, 8 November, following a meeting of G7 foreign ministers in Tokyo. The G7 foreign ministers “unequivocally condemned the Hamas terrorist attack,” which killed some 1,400 people, and the continued rocket attacks on Israeli territory. “We emphasize Israel’s right to defend itself and its people in accordance with international law,” the document said. The meeting also favored the establishment of humanitarian pauses and corridors in the Gaza Strip to facilitate the aid’s delivery and the hostages’ release. “All parties must ensure unimpeded humanitarian assistance to the civilians, including food, water, medical care, fuel and shelter, as well as access for humanitarian personnel.” The final ministerial statement pointed to the importance of protecting civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law, and described the two-state solution as the only way to achieve a just, lasting and secure peace. “Israelis and Palestinians have the same right to live in security, dignity and peace, the G7 foreign ministers emphasized. – We reject anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in any form in our own societies and around the world.” Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October A new escalation of conflict in the Middle East began after Hamas, recognized as a terrorist organization by the European Union and the US, launched a major attack on Israel on 7 October 2023. The terrorists launched a massive rocket attack on Israel and, after invading its territory, carried out the worst civilians’’ massacre in the history of the modern Israeli state. The victims were 1,400 people. The militants also seized nearly 250 hostages and took them to the Gaza Strip. Israel has responded by declaring war on Hamas. Its army has been launching massive strikes on this densely populated Hamas-ruled Palestinian region, as well as a military land operation. According to the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health, more than 10,000 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip, including many thousands of children and women. It is not possible to confirm these figures from independent sources.