Ionita: In 2022 Gas Consumption Decreased by 44%

Home / Economy / Ionita: In 2022 Gas Consumption Decreased by 44%
Natural gas consumption in Moldova amounted to 98.5 million m3 in the second quarter of 2022, which is the lowest figure for the last nine years. Compared with 2021, when there was an absolute record in the consumption of natural gas, in 2022, consumption decreased by 76.8 million m3 or by 44%. This is stated by Veaceslav Ionita, an economic expert, reports According to the expert, this year’s decrease was mostly in April, but other months also saw a significant reduction in consumption compared to last year. “Consumption this year amounted to 30 million m3, or 23% lower than the average for the previous eight years. It is still early to draw certain conclusions, but we are most likely observing the process of adapting the population and economic agents to new prices”, Veaceslav Ionita writes. The expert also noted that the population currently buys 38% of the natural gas supplied by Moldovagaz. The share of consumption by the population has increased by 33% over the past eight years. In 2014, the population’s consumption amounted to only 28% of the total consumption of natural gas. As a reminder, the National Energy Regulatory Agency will meet today, August 4, to review and submit for approval a new natural gas tariff. Point