A New Center Right Party Appears on the Moldovan Political Arena

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The founding congress of the Moldovan National Party (MNP) was held in Chisinau on Sunday, January 29. The meeting was attended by 110 delegates from territorial organizations, who approved the statute, political program and symbols of the party, reports radiomoldova.md. Blogger Dragos Galbur, a dentist by profession, became the President of the party, while former Chairman of the Central Election Commission Dorin Cimil was elected Secretary General. The MNP is a center-right, modern conservative political party that advocates for the country’s integration into the European Union and for strengthening ties with Romania, the political formation said in a statement. “We are facing a lot of discontent, frustration and reluctance in society, and rightly so, in fact they are what got us into politics now because we are tired of being frustrated. It’s time to get directly involved in the decision-making process and stop watching this theater of the absurd that has been going on for 30 years!” – said Dragos Galbur. Sergiu Burlacu, Tatiana Codreanu and Mihai Burchu were nominated as vice-presidents of the party. During the congress, the Ethics and Arbitration Commission and the Commission of Censors were elected.